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Two Hour Astrological Cacao Ceremony

Full Moon in Libra Astrological Cacao Ceremony

Join Ben MacGregor (astrologer, life couch and yoga teacher) and Gabby Vinden (yoga teacher, holistic dietitian, cacao facilitator) for a journey into the heart. Ceremonial grade cacao is an ancient powerful plant medicine that (with intention) helps open the heart chakra allowing you to deeply connect to yourself. Cacao has the ability to connect you to your inner spirit allowing wisdom, truth and clarity to flow through giving you a deeper understanding of who you are and what you truly wish to create.

The ceremony will take place during the Libra full moon in April. This is an ideal time for diplomacy, and finding the harmonious balance between the needs of ourselves, and the needs of others. The energy of the Libra Full Moon is relationship oriented. This can be with other people or even our relationship to ourselves, which in modern society can often take a backseat to the otherwise forward driven, achievement motivated society, often leaving ones inner emotional wants and needs underfed.

This Libra Full Moon ceremony brings into light the nurturance our emotional nature seeks in order to maintain homeostasis. Reflecting back to us what it is within our unconscious nature, that we seek in relationships and what we desire to express through our interrelationship with others.

Having an experienced astrologer as a facilitator means that this cacao ceremony is truly unique experience. Not only will you learn about the Virgo full moon, but you will have your very own birth chart generated to get a more specific interpretation of where your natal Moon falls in Sign and House. This will allow a deeper understanding of how the full moon will play out for you on an individual level. 

Extra information:

  •  Avoid consuming or soy dairy later in the day as it can inhibit the effects of cacao. 

  •  It is best not to eat for a couple of hours before the ceremony we encourage either having an early dinner or eating after the ceremony is compete as the cacao works best on an empty stomach. 

  •  The cacao will be vegan and organic. 

  •  Make sure you wear comfy clothes. 

  •  Please bring a pen. 

  •  Please arrive on time so we can maximise our time with this powerful elixr.

IMPORTANT - Please send your birth details (exact Time AM/PM, Date, Location) to, we will generate your birth chart to get a more specific interpretation of where your natal Moon falls in Sign and House. With your birth chart as a reference, we can compare and better understand how this current upcoming Full Moon will play out for you as an individual. Please note you can still attend this powerful workshop even if you do not know your birth time.